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Leisure Process x Pat Rogasch

Leisure Process x Pat Rogasch

Our new artist collab with Melbourne-based creative @pat.rogasch for the latest edition of Create Not Destroy [VOL.7] invites you to kick back from all the chaos.

The Leisure Process capsule collection translates into an escape from the current chaotic state of being we find ourselves in today. In collaboration with the quirky and creative Pat Rogasch, this capsule takes a deep dive into the underground comics world, where Pat draws most of his inspiration from. Intertwining pop colours through vintage graphic tees, retro boardshorts, hoodies and crew socks, Leisure Process invites you to kick back from all the chaos. Having been lucky enough to escape the midst of Melbourne lockdown due to moving to the beachside town of Torquay just months before the shit hit the fan, Pat has used this time to explore the depth of his creativity.

We hear you're currently residing in Melbourne - what does a day in your life look like at the moment?

I actually got pretty lucky and moved out to Torquay a couple of months before shit hit the fan. Most of my days have been a mix of working with clients, drawing nonsense and trying to surf when I can.

How would you best describe your style of artwork?

My work is pretty heavily influenced by screen printing. I’ve got a dodge old four colour press, and mostly everything I create goes through the lens of: how would this be printed? I'm a big fan of underground comics, vintage stickers/coaster art, branding and packaging. There's influence coming from all over the place, I guess, haha.

When do you feel most inspired & how does that translate into your creative process?

My creative process for personal projects is pretty much sitting around listening to music, haha. It generally starts with a tagline or message, and then I work backwards to build imagery that portrays the feeling for me.

Can you talk us through the meaning behind the artwork in Leisure Process?

This graphic was really just about tension release. Everyone’s kind of fucked up at the moment, and it’s important to have an escape from that. 

Why do you think sustainable fashion is important?

"Fashion" has such a huge environmental impact it’s insane that people support bullshit fast-fashion corporations. Buy things you love and wear them out. 

Has 2021 been a year to forget or one to remember, creatively speaking?

For me, it’s been great, I’ve had a lot of time to explore some really fun personal projects and had some exciting business opportunities come through. Been a weird one but fun!


Artist: Pat Rogasch @pat.rogasch
Photos: Nick Styles @itchiknii

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