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Nirvana Selwood x Plastic Free July

Nirvana Selwood x Plastic Free July

Our very talented mate and artist of the Fu*k Plastic Zine, @nirvanatropicana, shared her wisdom on how to approach a plastic-free life with mindfulness and awareness. From recycling properly to zero-waste shopping and choosing reusable alternatives, Nirvana shares her hot tips for sustainable living, along with the challenges she has faced this Plastic Free July.


Why is being plastic-free important to you?

I believe a majority of the responsibility lies with the large corporations and companies that mass produce these plastic materials, however, as individuals and consumers we underestimate our influence and the importance of switching to a plastic-free lifestyle.

We need to lead by example and show large corporations and companies that there is no longer a demand for plastic. Without consumer demand on a global scale, this could potentially force the source to shift from plastic based materials to sustainable ones.


How have you approached Plastic Free July so far?

I have approached plastic-free July through increasing my awareness. I learnt a lot from creating this zine, hot tips I've never even considered before. My generation grew up with plastic and the convenience of it, so it is easy to be complacent or unaware of how much we use or rely on.

So for me, awareness and mindfulness towards my plastic consumption was the first step. I want this to be a lifestyle change so it will take time and patience to transition, but it all starts from being aware of our impact on the world around us. More local shopping, BYO bags, and proper recycling habits to ensure my rubbish is actually able to be recycled, alongside sharing my new found knowledge. 

What has been the biggest challenge you have encountered in going plastic-free? 

My biggest challenge for going plastic-free has been planning and making the effort to shop at local stores and markets. To avoid the convenience of corporate supermarkets, I have had to do a lot of meal planning and schedule planning to be able to shop at my local markets and independent stores, as I work full time and find it hard to make the farmers markets during the week. For me it's all about planning and being conscious of what I need and where to get it. 


What is your top sustainable tip from our Fu*k Plastic zine?

My hottest tip from the zine is recycle 101... It's so obvious but really the average person, including myself, doesn't know how to recycle properly. And this is where a majority of our plastic consumption ends up! So if it isn't recycled properly, it can't be recycled. I also really like the ice cream cone tip, simple but effective. 


You recently illustrated our Fu*k Plastic zine, can you describe your style of artwork? 

This question always stumps me, I like to think my style is super versatile, however my paintings are usually quite ironically playful, whilst also maintaining a very gothic undertone. Lots of colour and sparkles at the moment to keep it nice and trashy ;) 


 Read The Zine




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